Send your order from you sofa, all in 5 easy steps!

Step 1

Choose a restaurant from our selection of millions around the world that have connected the the RestaurantReserve app, all of them in an effort to make your life easier and more convenient.

Step 2

Take a look at the layout of the restaurant of your choice and take your pick at any table(s) that you like! We can customize your seating arrangement to fit any amount of people, from a small family dinner to a large business conference!

Step 3

Choose a time slot for your reservation - whatever works for you, works for us! RestaurantReserve is designed to work around your schedule, not a restaurants', so that your quick dinner doesn't have to turn into a 2 - hour wait for food.

Step 4

Look over the restaurants' menu and select the food and drink that you would like to order. Based on the time slot that you selected, we will have your food ready just minutes after you walk through the door!

Step 5

Checkout! Complete and send in your reservation to the restaurant of your choice, all for the same price that you would normally pay with a small $2 fee! And, RestaurantReserve's designer's are so confident in their product, if there is any mistake in the ordering process that's our fault, your meal's on us!

  • (receipt picture required for refund)
  • Not working? try refreshing.
  • We work on the cloud, so we're accessible anywhere
  • Made by html, css, and js
  • Compatible with mobile devices

That's about it!

Contact us if you find any malfunctioning software, so we can fix it as soon as possible for your convenience!